Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Joe Carroll's Message to the World | THE FOLLOWING

OK We knew that Mica was not going to last, right?

This episode is another one of those funnel moments in the hour glass. All events in the past have lead to this coming together and immediately the future explodes with possibilities...

Emma and crew attacking public in book signing was epic.

Joe's taking over the cult is divinely inspired - from the stand point of serial killer cult types at least.

The realization of Joe's leak at the FBI is fantastic.

NOW WHAT? Big things to follow soon for Joe, Ryan and the world...

Thursday, March 6, 2014

2.8 The Messenger - March 10, 2014

2.7 Sacrifice - March 3, 2014 Recap & Review WTF

2.7   Sacrifice - March 3, 2014

I am renaming this episode WTF!!! Perhaps the entire season could be called WTF!!! If you are Emma - or actress formerly known as - you are surely saying WTF!!!  Same with Max Hardy, Mike's dad and pretty much everyone else...

Anytime the guy that runs a cult of murderous followers is the most sane in the room, you know you have problems. Joe Carroll and company have run from one nut house to the nut farm. I am always deeply creeped out by cults. This new group obviously drinks WAY TOO MUCH cool-aid daily. "These people are crazy" - is a mouthful from Emma. but this season seems to have wanted her dead for weeks anyway. Is she dead now? Joe survived worse, right?

Lily manages to get to Ryan Hardy. Dramatically this is amazing. Guy takes Max. Massive manhunt tracks her down and gets the killer. But in a few hours they capture a serial killer that has eluded FBI for years. Get past that and you can stay on the edge of your seat as they hunt the hunter.

Episode ends with some crazier crap still... If Mike was not already off the deep end, he is in a PAcific trench now...